Bambu Training

Cassie Keeping and Will Henke

Our Booty program is here to help you build strength and definition in your lower body and core. Designed for both men and women, this program is designed in 6-week blocks with changing priorities and is led by skilled coaches and focuses on results. Say goodbye to a weak and underwhelming lower body, and hello to a toned, powerful, and confident physique. Get ready to make a statement with your booty! Daily Workouts Include:

  • Warm-up, Preparation & Cool down
  • Recommended Scaling Options
  • Equipment Modifications As Required
  • Coaches Workout Insights
Thoughtfully Designed Training
Our 6-week blocks hone into your biggest weaknesses with proven training methods to appropriately load and progress compound lifts and pair them with thoughtfully designed accessory work for the smaller muscles to grow and strengthen from all angles!
Expert Coaching On Your Side
Our knowledgable coaches are standing by to answer questions, help motivate and get you moving toward your big booty goals!
Challenge Yourself
Show yourself what you're capable of when you actually stick to a program and fully commit to yourself and your training!
Lower Body and Core
To compliment your journey toward a stronger, more prominent lower body we're adding in allll the core work to get fit and toned
Train With Us Anywhere
Hit our epic program and join our awesome international community no matter where you are in the world, LFG!
Coaches in Your Corner
Chat with your coaches directly in the app - questions, feedback, we have your back!
Programming 5 days per week
Daily strength and hypertrophy work that will only take +/- 60 minutes to complete.
Exercise Demo Videos
Make sure you're performing the movements correctly with our ever-growing exercise demo videos with each movement.
Detailed, Expert Instruction
We're here to get you where you want to go!
Worldwide Community
Join our amazing international community as you work toward your goals
Conveniently Delivered & Tracked Programs
Our programs at your fingertips through TrainHeroic, easy day!
Traditional Bodybuilding Equipment (Barbells, Dumbbells, Benches
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
W4: Strength & Hypertrophy 1



Complete 2-3 rounds of the following: 10 Bodyweight Good Morning 5/ea. 90/90 Hip Rolls to Kneeling 5/ea. Quadruped Hip Cars 10 Glute Bridges 15s Isometric Glute Bridge Hold


Kas Glute Bridge

3 x 15


Weighted Reverse Lunge to Step Up

3 x 10


Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (RDL)

3 x 12


Banded Quadruped Glute Extension

3 x 15

Partner Booty Burner


In 5 minutes, complete continuous work with a partner: 10 Box Jumps (You go, I go) 10 Synchro Hand Release Push-up 10 Synchro V-ups If you're doing this solo today, complete the variation listed below.👇🏼 In 5-minutes, complete continuous work of: 10 Box Jumps w/ Step Down 10 Hand Release Push-ups 10 V-ups

Cooldown Stretches


Option to take a few minutes to go for a cool down walk on the treadmill or outside. Recommend stretches post session/evening: -Supine Pigeon Pose -Lying Leg Cross -Triangle Stretch -Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching. -Spend 5-15 minutes flowing through the given stretches. -Include other stretches of choice.

W4: Sweat Session 1



Complete 2-3 rounds of the following: 15 Jumping Jacks 5/ea. Sampson Stretch 5 Bootstrappers 10/ea.Walking Toy Soliders

Sweat Session


Every minute on the minute, complete the following for chosen time frame and intervals: Minute 1: Calories on a machine of choice Minute 2: Kettlebell Squat Jumps Minute 3: Overhead Kettlebell Swings Minute 4: Sprinter Crunch Minute 5: Rest --------------------------------------------------- Choose from the following interval times: 1) 30s Work/ 30s Rest 2) 40s Work/ 20s Rest 3) 45s Work/ 15s Rest --------------------------------------------------- Choose how long you want to sweat for today: 3 rounds = 15 minutes 4 rounds = 20 minutes 5 rounds = 25 minutes 6 rounds = 30 minutes 7 rounds = 35 minutes

Cooldown Stretches


Option to take a few minutes to go for a cool down walk on the treadmill or outside. Recommend stretches post session/evening: -Couch Stretch on Bench/Box -Elevated Pigeon Stretch on Bench/Box -Thoracic Opener on Bench/Box -Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching. -Spend 5-15 minutes flowing through the given stretches.

W4: Strength & Hypertrophy 2



Complete 2-3 rounds of the following: 5/ea. Sampson Stretch 10 Sumo Squat (Tempo 21X1) 5 Bootstrappers 5/ea. Forward Lunge Streps


Barbell Sumo Deadlift

3 x 10


Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curl

3 x 12


Quad Focused Weighted Walking Lunge

3 x 10


Banded Bench Reverse Hyperextension

3 x 15

Banded Booty Burner


In 5 minutes, complete continuous work of: 7/ea. Standing Banded Hip Abduction 7/ea. Standing Banded Kickback 7/ea. Banded Donkey Kick 7/ea. Banded Fire Hydrant

Cooldown Stretches


Option to take a few minutes to go for a cool down walk on the treadmill or outside. Recommend stretches post session/evening: - Couch Stretch (against wall or bench) - Elevated Pigeon Pose - Standing Hamstring Stretch on Bench - Spend 10,15, or 20 minutes flowing through the given stretches. - Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching. - Include other stretches of choice.

W4: Sweat Session 2



Complete 3 rounds of the following: 10 Jumping Jacks 5/ea. Perfect Walk Stretch 10 Glute Bridge March 20s Prisoner Arch Hold

Bodyweight Sweat Session


On a 5-minute running clock, accumulate as many rounds as possible of: 6/ea. Prisoner Reverse Reverse Lunge + Knee Lift 6/ea. Kick Sits 12 Tuck-Ups Rest: 1:00 minute On a 5-minute running clock, accumulate as many rounds as possible of: 8 Hand Release Push-ups 10 Sprawls 12 L-Crunch Rest 2:00 minutes, then repeat from the top! Record total rounds completed across the sweat session today.

Cooldown Stretches


Option to take a few minutes to go for a cool down walk on the treadmill or outside. Recommend stretches post session/evening: - Seated Straddle Stretch - Seated Straddle Stretch Reach Right & Left - Frog Stretch - Active Lat Stretch -Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching. -Spend 5-15 minutes flowing through the given stretches.

W4: Strength & Hypertrophy 3



Complete 2-3 rounds of the following: 10/ea. Leg Swings Forward/Backward/Lateral 5/ea. Lizard Lunge Stretch w/ Rotation 5 1 1/4 Air Squats 10/ea. Single Leg Glute Bridge


Barbell Hip Thrust

3 x 10


Goblet Lateral Box Step Down

3 x 12


1 1/4 Goblet Cyclist Squat

3 x 10


Banded Wall-sit with Abduction

3 x 25

Partner Booty Burner


In 5 minutes, complete continuous work with a partner: Partner One: Calories on Machine of Choice Partner Two: 12 Plate Overhead Reverse Lunge + 9 Plate Ground-to-Overhead + 6 Lateral Burpee Plate Hops Workout Flow: Partner 1 accumulates as many calories as possible while partner 2 completes plate weighted movements. As soon as partner 2 is finished their reps, partners switch. If you're doing this solo today, complete the variation listed below.👇🏼 In 5-minutes, complete continuous work of: 30s on Cardio Machine of Choice 12 Plate Overhead Reverse Lunge 9 Plate Ground-to-Overhead 6 Lateral Burpee Plate Hops

Cooldown Stretches


Option to take a few minutes to go for a cool down walk on the treadmill or outside. Recommend stretches post session/evening: - Supine Banded Hamstring Stretch - Supine Banded Abductor Stretch - Supine Banded Adductor Stretch -Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching. -Spend 5-15 minutes flowing through the given stretches. - Include other stretches of choice.

Rest Day or Partner Workout 

Rest Day or Partner Workout


Feeling like hitting the gym for a Swolemate Sweat session, aka epic partner workout? Then head on over to The Performance Program and checkout the workout for today! If you've dedicated the last five days towards training, your body is sore and you're feeling fatigued, take this time off training and the gym and use today to fully rest. Don't neglect rest and recovery, it's important! Overtraining and not taking the necessary time to recovery will not lead you closer to your goals, in-fact overtraining will lead you further away from achieving your goals and will lead to burnout or injuries.If your body needs some extra TLC, jump on over to The Build and complete today's mobility session provided. Have a great weekend Team, see you on Monday!

Rest Day

Rest Day


Didn't get to all of the programming this week? Consider using today as a make-up day, only if you feel you have the extra energy and motivation to give. If your body is sore, or you're feeling fatigue, then leave what you didn't get to and use this time to recover and rest. If you've dedicated the last five days towards training, use today to fully rest, taking the necessary time to stretch any areas of your body that are sore from this week's training. Don't neglect this, it's important! Overtraining and not taking the necessary time to recovery will not lead you closer to your goals, in-fact overtraining will lead you further away from achieving your goals and success. If your body needs some extra TLC, jump into the stretching and mobility session provided on Sunday. Have a great weekend Team, see you on Monday!

No better time than now, LFG!!!

Here's a week on us, you're welcome. Strap in and let's do this!

Start My 7-Day Free Trial
How do I contact the coaches?
Easy! All communication is done through the App - you can ping them anytime! We're all about the human experience, no bots or auto answers! Just a team of super motivating coaches who love engaging with our community!
Am I locked into a contract?
No, your subscription can be cancelled easily at any time with no penalties or exit fees here on the app. There are some Terms and Conditions (boring legal stuff) but you can opt out at any time and there are zero penalties.
How do I interact with other people doing the same workouts?
We have a messaging platform within the App so you can communicate with our team of coaches and the rest of the community. It's a great way of being reminded, you are not alone! Give it a try today - we look forward to chatting...
Same workouts as in Bambu Fitness Bali?!
You bet! These workouts are the same as we do in our gym, so no matter if you're here in Bali, or elsewhere, we look forward to training with you!
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar February A.

Bali, Indonesia

Verified Athlete

"LOVE this program! I started my fitness journey in 2014, but it wasn't until I joined Bambu's Booty programme regularly that I saw significant progress in my lower body strength within a relatively short period of time. Coaches are amazing to chat with. The booty gains are just the cherry on top ;-)"

verified-athlete-avatar Beau T.

Sydney, Australia

Verified Athlete

"I’ve followed some serious competitive programs over the years so I know what is needed in a great program. Now that I just want to build a big booty and stay fit, the Bambu Training's Booty program has everything I need!"

Join Your Virtual Gym

When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.
